Localization in Swift like a Pro

How to write safer localization code and save time by getting less distracted from your actual code writing task in Xcode.

Cihat Gündüz
8 min readFeb 11, 2019


✨ Update ✨There’s now a new Mac app called ReMafoX which is the successor to BartyCrouch, the tool which is explained in this article. It improves upon several aspects of BartyCrouch and even has a set of video guides that you might want to watch. Get it here for free.

The Status Quo in Xcode

As developers we know for a fact that context switches are inefficient. This does not only apply to CPUs though, it’s also true for the coding process itself. Often times we start writing code we need to immerse ourselves into, that’s why developer tools try to support us with any little task that might distract us from writing the actual code.

Xcode is a very good development environment in that it helps us app developers both with basic development tasks (like code completion, syntax highlighting, refactoring) and more complex tasks like defining device-agnostic UIs (Interface Builder) as well as several kinds of debugging and testing tools (View Hierarchy Debugger, UI / Performance Testing).

Missing Feature #1: Keeping Localizations in…



Cihat Gündüz

📱Indie iOS Developer, 🎬Content Creator for 👨🏻‍💻Developers. Apps: RemafoX, Twoot it!. More in the works.