Swift Evolution Monthly: July ‘22

My first Indie App, my first Evolution pitch experience, the last of 6 Regex proposals, external conformance warning, implicit [weak self] capture & a new ‘move’ keyword.

Cihat Gündüz
9 min readAug 3, 2022

Here we are again with another monthly summary of Swift Evolution. July was a very special month for me, so I’d like to start with two topics that are important to me personally. I hope you’ll excuse that — but both are still on-topic:

Firstly, my very first app as an Indie Developer, which I’ve been working on for six months now, is finally done and in Open Beta! It’s an app for Swift developers and improves the localization workflow in Xcode. In the first version, among other things, you can add new localized keys to your projects in multiple languages without ever leaving your Swift file and safely reference them in code — just by filling out a single form! The app will take care of adding entries to all the right files and even optionally machine-translate to multiple languages, see this GIF:

If this looks interesting to you, please try the beta and send me your feedback.



Cihat Gündüz

📱Indie iOS Developer, 🎬Content Creator for 👨🏻‍💻Developers. Apps: RemafoX, Twoot it!. More in the works.