Swift Evolution Monthly: September ‘22

Cihat Gündüz
7 min readSep 30, 2022

Conditional Attributes, StaticBigInt, Stable Sorting, Isolated deinit

Photo by Nick Hillier on Unsplash

After multiple months full of really impactful and fast-paced changes to Swift, such as all the improvements to Generics, the introduction of a shiny new Regex engine, and kicking off the next chapter of programming with distributed actors, things have slowed down a bit in the last two months. This is also the main reason why there was no dedicated monthly issue for August (also, I focused on my first app, which is now scheduled for release on October 11th).

If you are an app developer, probably none of the new proposals I’m summarizing down below is going to cause a “Wow!” reaction, at least it didn’t do that for me this time. But I tried to still understand and explain the meaning or direction of each proposal without getting into irrelevant details for app developers.

More interesting topics await you in the Pitches section, which I always sort by my guessed likeliness of interest to the community and limit to a dozen pitches, adding a few more this time as this issue is spanning two months. So if you don’t have much time but you still want to know what might be coming next, try reading some of the pitches. The community is discussing great ideas constantly!

Accepted Proposals



Cihat Gündüz

📱Indie iOS Developer, 🎬Content Creator for 👨🏻‍💻Developers. Apps: RemafoX, Twoot it!. More in the works.